
"Protection 24/7 and personal atention is the best."

Camilla Strongbow

home plan


The average monthly mortgage payment in the United States is $1029*. This payment eats up 14.84% of the typical homeowners’ monthly income.

We offer coverage up to $1200 a month for the $59 a month home plan for three months of payments.

The family home is your most valuable asset. Not because it’s worth a lot of money, but because its where your family sleeps at night. Nothing could be worse than being evicted from your home because you cannot make your monthly payments because you lost your job.

You don’t want this to ever happen to your family. We will be your safety net.

Plan Details

Life’s better when the bills are covered. Foresight pays off. Your necessities are our priorities.

You see with our backup plan you’re protected up to $1200 for three months of payments. To pay your rent or mortgage while you look for employment. We offer you the peace of mind of knowing your bills will be covered with the backup plan.

I am sure you know someone who has experienced unexpected job loss or company closure or company downsizing. Don’t be caught off guard protect yourself today have a backup plan in place. With us you’ll always have peace of mind knowing your home is safe.


This is something that everyone should plan for. Because, even if you’re financially secure, anything can happen. The world changed drastically during the corona virus outbreak many lost their jobs.

Having to loose your job without any plan on how to pay for mortgage is a very terrible plight. Your family needs them to survive, and YOU need to them to regain your financial security.

Don’t let this happen to you… HAVE A BACK UP PLAN.


Support Area

That might seem like an extravagance to some, yet the truth is many Americans  52 percent of men and 69 percent of women — report that they don’t have enough in an emergency fund to cover six months’ worth of expenses.

“You need to know that you are going to be secure.”

My Bill Plan offers you protection, so you can pay your bills months after you lose your job.

the numbers

Results you can measure

We have a track record of excellent performance.

1 %
success rate
Custom Options
1 /7
Assurance Cases

My Bill Plan


Contact Us

My Bill Plan 9660 Falls of Neuse Rd suite 138 #311 Raleigh NC 27615

919 438 3465

919 438 3465